Released by Free Verse Revolution, a literary magazine, this is the third issue to be released by the magazine this year. With the work of over fifty writers, artists, and photographers, Issue III is a compelling read that explores the symbolism and characterizations home takes on.
In writing my poems, I wanted each piece to provide a different perspective on what home means to individuals made unique by setting, character, and voice.
Home evokes stone hearths and cozy rugs, woolen throws, and mugs of hot chocolate. Home speaks to me of belonging, of growing to fit a space, and is a place to draw upon for memories. Home is a place to find, to exist in, and to love. It is simple, complicated, shared, and diverse.
With so many faces, home is hard to capture in writing. I believe that, when attempting to write about something so robust, the best way to share a feeling is by going small and telling a story through only one pair of eyes. The reader fills in the blanks, the reader makes the reading experience theirs and, in doing so, adds a layer I cannot to the writing.
Always evocative, always emotional, and always fresh, Issue III is a collection to savor. Full of startling revelations and personal stories, striking visual pieces, and carefully crafted lines throughout, Issue III makes for the perfect fall read. Curl up with a cup of hot drink and enjoy!
I invite you to enjoy my definitions of home and discover your own personal connection to the place you reside in. The following is an excerpt of my poem, Settler.
She gave us a rusted pail one year
She called it an ash pail
This old woman from the hills
With tree bark for skin and
Roots for nails and
Eyes full of nineteen twenty-one . . .
Homeworld resides on page 117. Settler has a home on page 118, and Co-Existence can be found on page 119. Experience the entire collection by clicking here or explore the issues page at Free Verse Revolution!