Behind her the world rushes past; a cacophony of metallic laughter and electric eyes.
In the silent light, the night shadows the clock tower and erases the seconds between her first breath and last.
She sees the endless, frantic, breathless, slow wisps of humanity touch under painted, frozen, still, wicked sky.
Her elbows cut the balance of the precipice. She hangs over a small, rolling, beautiful, dangerous ocean, slivered between gigantic, precious, elusive, sneering, frowning, resounding time.
Beneath her the world rushes past; a short story collection written in life. A writer marks a comma, crosses it out, and writes again. Women cross the street swinging black bags. The clasps come undone, and their dreams spill out, scatter behind them unnoticed.
Sweet taste of winter-frosted peach and daylily. The world rushes within her. Ears adapted; cacophony becomes symphony.
Inspired by Mindlovemiserysmenagerie’s Photo Challenge #373