A book launch brings together the publisher, contributors, or author of the book and connects them with their audience. Hopefully, connections are made between writer and reader at the launch and hesitant buyers are convinced the book in question is suited to their taste after listening to relevant discussion and perhaps gorgeous excerpts.
Admittedly, I am still not comfortable speaking to an audience, but public speaking is a useful skill that helps authors market their books and engage their audience through presentations, events, and powerful storytelling.
Here I will be discussing what goes into a presenting a successful speech or talk, how to use body language to engage your audience, and how to discover and build your self-confidence. I speak from my little experience addressing an audience and mainly from my experience sitting in event audiences.
Practical Public Speaking Tips for Writers: Preparation
It is essential to prepare emotionally, mentally, and physically for a speaking event. Put together a comfortable, dressy outfit, round up a few snacks and a bottle of water, and organize your notes.
1. Prepare your Materials
Before your event, spend some time thinking about what you will present and discuss. Consider what excerpts from your book might make for compelling reading and how you can use relevant excerpts to discuss the unique, behind-the-scenes aspects of your story.
2. Dress the Part
Dress in comfortable, breathable clothing and opt for shoes that will support your feet for long periods of time. Also consider dressing in layers to account for temperature variances between the indoors and outdoors.
3. Hydrate and Eat
You will be miserable if you are hungry and thirsty. Eat something light and filling before the event, such as nuts or an energy bar, and bring some light snacks to the event with you in case you need a pick-me-up. Do not forget to bring water as well.
How to Embrace the Public Speaker Mindset
4. The Mindset is Everything
Adopt a professional attitude and think of yourself as a writer writing out loud. The audience is your page to write upon. Write about it creatively and artistically!
5. Be Confident
If you have prepared your talk in advance and are confident in your choice of clothing, there is no reason not to be confident in yourself and your work. Get out on stage and get excited!
6. Tell a Story
Storytelling should come naturally to you at this point! Share personal experiences that help make your points more interesting and relatable. Talk about your book, talk about the aspects of your book that were inspired by reality, and talk about what parts of yourself you put into your book. More simply, share why only you could have written your book.
Powerful Public Speaking Tips for Writers: How to Perform
7. Your Body Language is Key
I have a great professor for my mythology class who makes Greek myth fun and interactive through his lectures. He uses body languages and words to create an immersive storytelling atmosphere I love.
Body language means using hand gestures, facial expressions, pose, stance, and movement to create a listening experience that relies both on listening and on watching to create a storytelling experience that blends audio and visuals seamlessly together.
8. Move Around
Do not spend the whole talk standing or sitting in one place. Get up and move around. Address different parts of the room. Walk back and forth across the stage. Use your body to empathize what you are saying with bodily pauses and movement alongside pauses, stops, and intonation.
9. Have Fun!
If you are having fun, no doubt you look like you are having fun. If you are having fun, the audience is having fun. When everyone is having fun, it becomes an event to remember.
Practical Public Speaking Tips for Writers: Event Logistics
10. You do not have to Read an Excerpt
If you feel reading excerpts will add to your presentation and deepen the discussion you want to have with your audience, absolutely choose relevant, interesting excerpts. However, if excerpts have no place in the narrative you are telling, leave them out altogether. Your audience will hopefully be convinced to go pick up a copy of your book and read not an excerpt but your entire book just by listening to your presentation.
11. Take your Time
There is no sense in rushing through a talk, as you will likely confuse your main points and jumble your narrative. Instead, take your time. Speak clearly and allow your audience to savor and digest your every word.
12. Avoid Awkward Pauses and Cluttered Language
Do not use words like “um”, “uh”, and “you know”. Words like this clutter your sentences and make any speaker come across as uncertain and hesitant. Own the silence by briefly pausing to consider a question or emphasis a point and then continue your talk.
13. Make it a Q&A!
It is so fun when readers can ask their favorite authors about a book’s backstory or just bring up interesting points about a story, so consider taking questions from your audience. Always repeat or rephrase a question before answering it so that the entire audience is sure to know what you are talking about.
14. Do a Book Signing
Conclude your talk with a book signing. This is a great way to offer your book on the spot and sell signed copies of your book to people who hopefully loved your talk and cannot wait to read a personalized copy of your book.
Have you ever spoken at an author event? Have you ever attended an author event? What do you love about book launches and book signings? Tell me below!