Under clear skies in shadow of cotton clouds, I am asked to sacrifice who I am in exchange for gold that turns to bronze pennies.
The tide pulls hard in the desert. I feel my individuality undulate. I am a wave, but less and less of me breaks against the shore.
I smell the rain coming. It wells within me in a thundercloud over my heart before it breaks through my ribcage and erupts into the sky.
I would break my nails in the earth searching for water that flows to a fountain. I would throw my bronze coins into the water. I would wish for myself back.
It rains hard in the desert. The water flows salty off my tongue. I taste the aquatic life of forever through crystalline moon ray and sunset sand.
I do not want your people or your easy tide. I want the hurricane and the cyclone. I want the current that leads to an island sweet with mango trees and mesquite.
Give me the current that teaches me to balance who I am with the world. Give me the current that teaches me to dance.